Electrically conductive polysilane films doped with iodine can be conv
erted into insulators to semiconductors by a photooxidation reaction.
The conductivity can be controlled in the range 10(-15)-10(-4) S cm(-1
) by regulation of the extent of the photooxidation reaction. Since th
e nonirradiated area of the film keeps its doping susceptibility, it i
s possible to prepare a conducting pattern on the film by a photolitho
graphic technique. Network polysilanes containing various substituents
, prepared by the disproportionation reaction of alkoxydisilanes, were
primarily examined, in addition to polysilanes prepared by the Wurtz
coupling reaction. UV and IR analyses indicated that the Si-Si bonds i
n the polysilanes were changed into Si-O-Si bonds and Si-OH bonds by t
he photooxidation.