A cDNA clone for isocitrate lyase (ICL) was isolated from a cDNA libra
ry prepared from the poly(A)(+) RNA of etiolated pumpkin cotyledons. T
he cDNA encoded a polypeptide with 576 amino acids, whose sequence is
more than 79% identical to those of ICL from other higher plants and c
ontains the C-terminal tripeptide, Ser-Arg-Met, which is a putative ta
rgeting signal to microbodies. Immunogold analysis revealed that ICL p
rotein is exclusively localized in microbodies in etiolated pumpkin co
tyledons. Double labeling experiments with protein A-gold particles of
different sizes showed that ICL protein coexists with a leaf-peroxiso
mal enzyme, glycolate oxidase, in the microbodies of greening and sene
scing pumpkin cotyledons, indicating that transformation between glyox
ysomes and leaf peroxisomes occurs directly during greening and senesc
ence of the cotyledons. Immunoblot analysis showed that the amount of
ICL protein increased markedly during germination and decreased rapidl
y when seedlings were exposed to illumination, which induced the micro
body transition from glyoxysomes to leaf peroxisomes. In senescing cot
yledons, the level of the ICL protein and ICL mRNA increased again wit
h the reverse transition of microbodies from leaf peroxisomes to glyox
ysomes. Changes in the amount of ICL protein did not correspond to the
changes in the level of ICL mRNA during greening and senescence of th
e cotyledons, an indication that post-transcriptional regulation plays
an important role in the microbody transition.