Desposition of immunoglobulins in the cornea occasionally occurs in be
nign and malignant lymphoproliferative conditions. A 52-year-old woman
with recently discovered monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined signif
icance (MGUS) was referred to our hospital, Slit-lamp and ultrasound b
iomicroscopy revealed bilateral deposits within all corneal layers. Th
e precipitates were organized in a circle, leaving a perilimbal zone a
nd the axial cornea clear. Light microscopy of a biopsy disclosed conf
luent subepithelial deposits and defects in Bowman's layer, Immunopero
xidase reaction was positive only for IgG and IgG-kappa. Transmission
electron microscopy confirmed the presence of extracellular rectangula
r and arcuate immunoglobulin crystalloids with a IO-nm periodicity but
a non-crystalline defraction pattern. A review of the literature show
ed that the circumferential pattern of immunoglobulin deposition is as
sociated with short-term visual symptoms and good visual acuity. The p
resent report supports a hypothesis of immunoglobulin lin deposition v
ia the limbal arcade and contradicts the ''tear theory.''