Background: Heat shock protein 27 (hsp-27) is overexpressed in similar
to 67% pure ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), in similar to 50% DCIS a
ssociated with invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC), and in similar to 25%
IDC alone. If this decrease in hsp-27 expression has a role in the pro
gression of malignancy in IDC, we postulate a further reduction in exp
ression in nodal metastasis. Methods: To test this hypothesis, we eval
uated the distribution of hsp-27 in primary LDC and in synchronous reg
ional lymph node metastasis within the same patient by immunohistochem
istry. Results: Nine of 30 primary IDCs (30%) and 22 of 30 lymph node
metastases (73%) overexpressed hsp-27. Contrary to our hypothesis, of
21 IDCs with no or low hsp-27 expression, 13 (62%) had overexpression
of this protein within nodal metastasis. Conclusions: hsp-27 appears t
o confer cytoprotection for metastatic cells, which may help explain w
hy hsp-27 overexpression is associated with reduced disease-free survi
val in breast carcinomas.