Molecular marker technologies have eased and potentiated genetic analy
sis of plants and have become an extremely useful tool in forest tree
breeding. The information provided by molecular markers has made it po
ssible to acquire further knowledge about the structure and organizati
on of plant genomes as well as about the evolution of these plant geno
mes through phylogenetic analysis. Using Populus spp. as a model tree,
this paper aims at showing and discussing the possible applications o
f AFLP(TM), a high-density DNA marker technology developed by Keygene
N.V. (Wageningen, The Netherlands). Applications include: (i) AFLP ana
lysis of the disease resistance against Melampsora larici-populina usi
ng bulked-segregant analysis, (ii) AFLP fingerprinting for identificat
ion and taxonomic analysis of individual trees, and () AFLP-based mapp
ing strategies in Populus.