Micelles and lyotropic liquid crystals in the polar solvents glycerol
and formamide have been imaged at high resolution by cryo-transmission
electron microscopy (cryvo-TEM) of thin frozen samples. Sample films
were prepared in a chamber in which temperature and component chemical
activities in the surrounding vapor were controlled. The controlled e
vaporation of the solvent on the grid, the so-called on-grid processin
g technique, was used to prepare the viscous liquid crystal phase. In
dilute solutions of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) in glycerol
and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) in formamide there were spherical mic
elles, while in the concentrated solution of CTAB in glycerol hexagona
l liquid crystals formed. These structures resemble closely in appeara
nce the corresponding structures in aqueous solution. Electron beam ra
diation damage is much more severe in nonaqueous solutions, and the co
ntrast is much lower.