Some aspects of the germination and colonisation dynamics of Nuphar lu
tea (L.) Sm. were investigated in a former river channel of the River
Rhone (France) from 1991 to 1995. The colonisation by Nuphar lutea of
bare areas of 1 m(2) was a very slow process. The seed production of t
he species in the study site was at least 600 seeds m(-2) but no seedl
ings were observed in the site for the 5 years of the experiment. The
absence of seedlings could not be explained by unfavourable environmen
tal conditions. The specific weight of the seeds (1.24) and that of th
e sediment (1.26) are not significantly different. However, the sedime
nt is very loose and easily resuspended in water, so seeds may sink mo
re than a few centimetres into it. Therefore, the absence of seedlings
is probably due to the fact that the seeds sink into the sediment to
a depth from which seedling emergence is not possible. The dynamics of
the Nuphar population in the study site is due only to vegetative pro
pagation by extension of the rhizome system.