Jacob L. Moreno (1889-1974) was a Romanian-born and Vienna-educated ps
ychiatrist who was drawn at an early age to the world of philosophy, c
reativity, and drama. At the time of Moreno's arrival in the United St
ates in 1925, he had already published 14 works in German, among them
The Theatre of Spontaneity. The approach delineated in this work was t
ransplanted by Moreno to Carnegie Hall in New York City, where he cond
ucted public demonstrations of improvised theatrical presentations. Mo
reno also undertook the editorship of Impromptu, a drama magazine, and
began to study the structure of small groups, quantifying the interpe
rsonal forces of attraction and repulsion in an effort to enhance the
quality of group life. This sociopsychological system, dubbed sociomet
ry, composed the core of Moreno's best-known book, Who Shall Survive?
Moreno proceeded next to refine his psychodrama and sociodrama, both d
esigned to expose and resolve human conflict. In 1936, Moreno built a
psychodrama stage at his Beacon, New York, private sanatorium and trai
ning center, after which he launched the journal Sociometry in 1937, t
ile publication of which was taken over by the American Sociological A
ssociation. The father of the American Society of Group Psychotherapy
and Psychodrama (founded in 1942), Moreno also founded the journal Sor
iatry (now the Journal of Group Psychotherapy, Psychodrama, and Sociom
etry) in 1947. Moreno was instrumental in the creation of numerous psy
chodrama training centers in other countries and more broadly based in
ternational organizations for group therapists. With over 300 publicat
ions, Moreno came to be recognized as one of group therapy's pioneers,
representing the special theoretical and methodological system know a
s psychodrama. Saul Scheidlinger is professor emeritus of psychiatry (
psychology) at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine (New York City)
and adjunct professor of clinical psychology in psychiatry at the Cor
nell University School of Medicine (White Plains, New York). A former
president of the American Group Psychotherapy Association, Scheidlinge
r was for 10 years editor of the International Journal of Group Psycho
therapy. Among other honors, Scheidlinger has received tile Distinguis
hed Group Psychologist Award from American Psychological Association D
ivision 49 (Group Psychology and Group Psychotherapy) and the Distingu
ished Service Award from the Children's Group Therapy Association. Sch
eidlinger is author of Psychoanalysis and Group Behavior, Psychoanalyt
ic Group Dynamics: Basic Readings, Focus on Group Psychotherapy: Clini
cal Essays, and over 100 chapters, articles, and audiovisuals on group
treatment and group dynamics.