The distributions of plasma and potential near an electric probe in a
relative motion with respect to a magnetized plasma are studied by mea
ns of three-dimensional (3-D) numerical simulations. The relative moti
on is simulated by a plasma flowing past the probe across the ambient
magnetic field. The plasma now is imposed by a convection electric fie
ld (E) under bar(o). A probe with a positive potential bias is conside
red. The prominent features of the potential distribution include (1)
wings of positive potential perturbations extending along the magnetic
field and swept forward in the direction of the plasma now and (2) a
''fan'' shaped structure in planes transverse to the magnetic field in
the region where the convection electric field (E) under bar(o) is op
posed by space charge electric fields. The wing-like structure can be
interpreted in terms of electrostatic plasma waves belonging to the ob
lique resonance cone in a magnetized plasma. The relative flow causes
the formation of a ''bow shock'' in front of the probe, where plasma d
ensity is enhanced due to the combined effect of the retardation of th
e flowing ions and the modification in the (E) under bar x (B) under b
ar drift of the electrons in the sheath of a positive probe. The elect
ron collection by the probe is significantly enhanced above the theore
tical upper bound current obtained from the conservation of energy and
the canonical angular momentum for the case without the relative moti
on The current in the plasma, contributing to the collection of electr
ons by the probe, flows in a magnetic field-aligned channel in the vic
inity of the probe where electric fields parallel to the magnetic fiel
d are relativley strong. Electron flux is fed into the channel all alo
ng its length by the (E) under bar x (B) under bar drift in the self-c
onsistent electric field, considerably enhancing the current collected
by the probe. The field-aligned current channel is localized near the
probe where parallel electric fields dominate; it does not extend to
infinity along the probe's magnetic shadow, unlike that for the case o
f a nonflowing plasma.