Linear gradient drift instabilities, which are associated with type II
irregularities in the equatorial electrojet, are obtained for daytime
profiles using initial-value and eigenmode methods in a nonlocal theo
ry. The methods are shown to be in agreement, thus resolving a recent
discrepancy between the theories of Ronchi et al. [1989] and Wang and
Bhattacharjee [1994]. A set of equilibrium profiles that are consisten
t with observed daytime electric and current density profiles are give
n and analyzed for nonlocal stability. Instabilities with horizontal w
avelengths of the order of 1 km are found to be dominant over most of
the electrojet, with instabilities of shorter wavelengths (of the orde
r of 100 m) localized in regions of weak velocity shear. The predictio
ns of linear theory are in accord with the observed preponderance of k
ilometer-scale irregularities in the daytime electrojet.