Background. Repeat prescribing has long been seen as a potential cause
of poor clinical care, despite its obvious advantage to both doctors
and patients. Previous studies have had no common definition of the te
rm, and have been small in scale, but it is clear that repeat prescrib
ing has increased over the past 25 years with a recent acceleration du
e to computerization. Managing the process has become more important a
s the scale has increased. A computer related standard definition woul
d provide linkage with other information held on the practice computer
about the recipients. Using aggregated practice data the current nati
onal picture could be ascertained for comparison with that of individu
al practices. At practice level if will be less important simply to kn
ow the scale of repeat prescribing than to make analyses of repeat pre
scribing of particular drug groups, and of the age and sex groups of t
he recipients. This could provide a valuable basis for improving clini
cal care. Aim. To estimate the present scale of repeat prescribing - o
verall, for specific age-sex groups, and for some specific drug groups
; to provide a much needed standard definition of repeat prescribing n
ow inevitably related to computer procedures; and to show how clinical
ly valuable audits might be simply generated as reports by a practice
computer. Method. Repeat prescriptions were defined as those printed b
y a practice computer from its repeat prescribing program over a perio
d of one year. Prescribing data for a year, with demographic details o
f the patients involved, were obtained for 115 practices from the IMS
MediPlus database. These practices had 750 390 patients and issued 5.8
2 million prescriptions during the year. Analyses were made of the ove
rall percentages of items and costs due to repeats; the percentage of
patients receiving repeats, by age and sex; the percentage receiving r
epeats, by age and sex, in areas of particular concern; and percentage
repeat prescribing in 46 drug groups. Results. No differences were fo
und between fundholding and non-fundholding practices, or between disp
ensing and non-dispensing practices. The ratio of acute to repeat pres
criptions in the practices was stable over four years. Repeats account
ed for 75% of all items and 81% of prescribing costs; 48.4% of all pat
ients were receiving a repeat prescription. Many drugs, including hypn
otics, were given almost entirely as repeats. The percentage of repeat
s increased with patients' age, from 36% in the 0-4 year age group to
more than 90% for patients aged 85 and over. If was higher overall for
males than for females, though this relationship did not hold for old
er patients. Conclusion. This study gives the best available national
picture of the use of repeat prescribing. The definition employed does
not allow any direct conclusions to be drawn about whether the patien
ts involved were being given adequate clinical care, but it permits an
alyses at practice level that can indicate where special attention may
be required. It could usefully be adopted as the much-needed standard