Current guidelines for sizing of vents in dust explosions deal with pa
nel inertia effects either by suggesting that the issue be approached
experimentally on a case-by-case basis (VDI 3673) or by recommending a
maximum mass per unit area (NFPA 68). This empirical approach to the
problem is surprising, given that this aspect of explosion venting sho
uld be easily amenable to analytical treatment. From this assessment,
an analysis of vent panel dynamics was carried out based on a simplifi
ed explosion model, which has also been used to develop a generalized
vent sizing correlation. The main result of the analysis is the identi
fication of a dimensionless parameter which fully characterizes the ef
fects associated with the inertia of the panel. This inertia parameter
includes: the reactivity of the mixture; the volume of the enclosure;
the mass of the vent per unit area; the number of equal panels on the
vented volume; and a panel shape factor. The analysis has quantified
the intuitive expectation that the mass per unit area of the panel is
not a property that should be considered in isolation, and that panel
inertia effects are more important the more reactive the mixture and t
he smaller the volume. The predictions from the model have been valida
ted by comparison with available data for both dust and gas explosions
. The extensive validation work? that has supported their development
provides confidence that the design correlations derived from the anal
ysis can be used reliably to account for an effect that is either negl
ected or referred to testing by existing guidelines.