Benzodiazepine abuse is common among clients at methadone maintenance
clinics. Diazepam and lorazepam are readily detected by immunological
screening methods and confirmed by GC/MS. Alprazolam has been relative
ly difficult to confirm. We recently reported a modification of an exi
sting serum HPLC procedure which allows us to analyze whole blood. We
report here three cases of fatal drug overdose caused by co-ingestion
of methadone and alprazolam. In all three cases, alprazolam was detect
ed by HPLC and could not be identified by alkaline extraction GC/MS. P
ostmortem blood concentrations of methadone were at the lower range or
below the concentrations previously identified in methadone overdose
fatalities, suggesting an increased risk from co-ingestion of methadon
e and alprazolam.