For some time there has been an expectation that a ''mechanical MOSIS'
' system will soon become available to mechanical designers for the ra
pid manufacture of functional prototypes. Recent advances in client-se
rver interaction, automated process planning, and rapid manufacturing
services now make it possible to provide a World Wide Web based, seaml
ess CAD/CAPP/CAM system, Currently, the following services are provide
d via the internet: (1) a design-for-manufacture CAD interface, writte
n in Java(TM), (2) a choice between two CAPP systems, and (3) access t
o an open architecture machine tool for fabrication of mechanical part
s. Together, these modules comprise CyberCut, a mechanical design and
manufacturing service. CyberCut is the extension of an already proven
Integrated Manufacturing and Design Environment (IMADE) into a distrib
uted agent environment. It will provide users access to a rapid protot
yping service in a Variety of materials, with the +/-0.002 in. toleran
ces made possible by typical CNC machining.