Ulcers of the soft palate were diagnosed by upper respiratory airway v
ideoendoscopy in seven Standardbred racehorses which represented 0.2%
of Standardbreds treated in our hospital during the same period and 16
% of horses with dorsal displacement of the soft palate (DDSP). Clinic
al findings included exercise intolerance (six horses), respiratory no
ise during light exercise (four horses) or when racing (two horses), d
ysphagia (three horses) and cough post-exercise (one horse). Treatment
included rest (six horses), non-abrasive feed (four horses), topical
administration of antibiotic/anti-inflammatory solutions (three horses
), and systemic antibiotics (two horses). Sternothyroid myectomy was p
erformed in one horse during the acute onset of ulceration, with no ap
parent benefit. One horse was sold immediately following the diagnosis
of ulcers of the soft palate. Four horses were reevaluated by endosco
py. The soft palate ulcers healed in two horses. The free margin of th
e soft palate could not be visualized in one horse as no DDSP could be
induced. One horse was found to have a concomitant chondritis of the
epiglottis on reevaluation. Dysphagia resolved in all cases. Four of s
ix horses that raced before their illness returned to racing.