Questionnaires were completed by 5,182 adults derived from one-wave ar
ea cluster samples in 6 metropolitan areas: 56% of homosexuals and 18%
of heterosexuals reported having had a homosexual teacher; 12% of the
men and 4% of the women said that the teacher made sexual advances to
ward them. A fifth of those with a homosexual teacher said they were i
nfluenced to regard homosexuality as socially acceptable; 4% said that
the teacher influenced them to try homosexuality. About 1% of the sam
ple reported that, as pupils, they had sexual relations with at least
one of their elementary or secondary teachers. Eight respondents repor
ted their first sexual experience was with an elementary or secondary
teacher and that one of these experiences was homosexual. Of 49 other
reported sexual experiences with teachers, 12 were homosexual. The fin
dings that homosexuals more frequently claimed to have had homosexual
teachers and more frequently reported homosexual sex with teachers ten
d to fit the contagion model of homosexuality-that homosexuality is ta
ught by or caught by sexual interaction with homosexual practitioners.