To correlate sonographic findings and clinical disorders of the Achill
es tendon, considering newer aspects of their etiology and pathogenesi
s. Method: In a retrospective cross-sectional study the sonographic fi
ndings in 52 patients with tendonitis, heel swelling, or suspected rup
ture were analysed and correlated with the final diagnosis. Tendon les
ions due to lipid storage diseases or rheumatic diseases were analysed
on the basis of reports in the literature. Results: Ultrasound abnorm
alities were found in 41 of the 52 symptomatic patients (40 degenerati
ve changes of the tendon and/or the peritendinous tissue, 1 inflammato
ry rheumatologic process, 1 metabolic disorder, 8 ruptures, 2 congenit
al or developmental abnormalities). Ultrasound signs were not specific
for each of the diagnoses but typical combinations of distinctive sig
ns together with clinical findings led to the correct diagnoses. Concl
usion: Patients with suspected lesions of the Achilles tendon should u
ndergo an ultrasound investigation both to promote the exact diagnosis
and to define the extent of the disease.