In Culex pipiens mosquitoes, resistance to organophosphorous insectici
des often results from increased detoxification by two types of estera
ses, A and B, which are closely linked. Overproduction of all esterase
s B so far investigated (B1, B2, B4, B5 and B6) is from gene amplifica
tion. An esterase A gene (esterase A2) has recently been cloned from m
osquitoes with the overproduced esterases A2 and B2, and amplification
of this gene has also been reported. We describe the cDNA sequences o
f three additional esterase genes from insecticide-resistant strains o
f Culex pipiens originating from France and California which show at l
east 93 per cent homology with the esterase A2 gene sequence. Restrict
ion enzyme mapping shows that the esterase A gene lies within 2.2 kb o
f the esterase B gene. In mosquitoes with overproduced esterases A2 an
d B2, the amplification level of esterase A is equal to that of estera
se B suggesting that the genes are coamplified. Furthermore, we show t
hat in one strain with an overproduced A esterase (A1), gene amplifica
tion cannot account for the increased protein level. This indicates th
at overproduction of esterases A can be achieved through two different
mechanisms: gene amplification and a regulatory mechanism - the natur
e of which remains to be identified.