Background Although the general relations between race, socioeconomic
status, and mortality in the United States are well known, specific pa
tterns of excess mortality are not well understood. Methods Using stan
dard demographic techniques, we analyzed death certificates and census
data and made sex-specific population-level estimates of the 1990 dea
th rates for people 15 to 64 years of age. We studied mortality among
blacks in selected areas of New York City, Detroit, Los Angeles, and A
labama (in one area of persistent poverty and one higher-income area e
ach) and among whites in areas of New York City, metropolitan Detroit,
Kentucky, and Alabama (one area of poverty and one higher-income area
each). Sixteen areas were studied in all. Results When they were comp
ared with the nationwide age-standardized annual death rare for whites
, the death rates for both sexes in each of the poverty areas were exc
essive, especially among blacks (standardized mortality ratios for men
and women in Harlem, 4.11 and 3.38; in Watts, 2.92 and 2.60; in centr
al Detroit, 2.79 and 2.58; and in the Black Belt area of Alabama, 1.81
and 1.89). Boys in Harlem who reached the age of 15 had a 37 percent
chance of surviving to the age of 65; for girls, the likelihood was 65
percent, Of the higher-income black areas studied, Queens-Bronx had t
he income level most similar to that of whites and the lowest standard
ized mortality ratios (men, 1.18; women, 1.08). Of the areas where poo
r whites were studied, Detroit had the highest standardized mortality
ratios (men, 2.01; women, 1.90). On the Lower East Side of Manhattan,
in Appalachia, and in Northeast Alabama, the ratios for whites were be
low the national average for blacks (men, 1.90; women, 1.95). Conclusi
ons Although differences in mortality rates before the age of 65 betwe
en advantaged and disadvantaged groups in the United States are someti
mes vast, there are important differences among impoverished communiti
es in patterns of excess mortality. (C) 1996, Massachusetts Medical So