We used a population model to investigate possible density-dependent p
rocesses in the European eel (Anguilla anguilla L.). We derived this m
odel to include fundamental features of this catadromous fish that hav
e been historically neglected, such as high plasticity in individual g
rowth, length-dependent sexual maturation, sexual dimorphism, and skew
ed sex distributions. Populations were sampled three times in the Vall
i di Comacchio lagoons during 1974 through 1989, a period during which
both commercial yield and density declined. A bootstrap procedure per
mitted us to estimate demographic parameters and evaluate their uncert
ainty. With the model we could estimate eel recruitment to lagoons and
the density of prereproductive eels per length and age class, especia
lly useful information because these data cannot be collected directly
. With the exception of age 1, survival increased as density declined.
In addition, as density declined, the proportion of females and femal
e body size, as well as age and length of both sexes at sexual maturit
y, increased. Density-dependent processes, such as competition for lim
ited food and space, and trade-offs between reproductive success and s
urvival provide a parsimonious explanation (though not one we could te
st) for these shifts in population parameters.