Burn-in is a widely used method to improve quality of products after t
hey have been produced. Particularly, this method is useful when the f
ailure rate of the product exhibits a bathtub shape. The choice of the
burn-in time depends on the criterion chosen. Both the cases with and
without consideration of cost are discussed. When the cost is our con
cern, the expression for the cost incurred during the burn-in procedur
e is obtained. Based on this and the cost and the gain in field operat
ion, several cost structures are proposed. For some of them the mainte
nance policies or warranty policies are also combined into the conside
ration. For all these cost functions it has been established that the
optimal burn-in time carl never exceed the first change point of the b
athtub shaped failure rate. An example, however, is given to show that
this conclusion is not always true for some other cost function(s).