At the start of the 1990s, the economic situation in Finland deteriora
ted radically. During the depression (1991-93), health care expenditur
e decreased by about 10%, and was associated with considerable changes
in Finnish health care.This paper reports studies of the determinants
of use of physician services in Finland in the 1990s. The particular
aim was to evaluate how utilization altered during the economic depres
sion and during the changes in the health care system. Using econometr
ic methods, an attempt was made to describe the changes in structure a
nd level of utilization. The study was based on annual computer-assist
ed telephone interviews made during 1991-94. Visits to a doctor were a
nalysed using a two-part model (logit and truncated negative binomial
regression). Structural changes were tested by Chow-type tests and cha
nges in the level of utilization by chronologically defined dummy vari
ables for each year. The most significant changes (both in structure a
nd level) occurred in the model explaining the number of visits (negat
ive binomial regression) of chronically ill persons. Variables describ
ing the continuity of care seem to be more important determinants of v
isits to a doctor than certain other availability and socioeconomic va