Sp. Chung et al., BEAM ATTENUATION AND MICROORGANISMS - SPATIAL AND TEMPORAL VARIATIONSIN SMALL PARTICLES ALONG 140-DEGREES-W DURING THE 1992 JGOFS EQPAC TRANSECTS, Deep-sea research. Part 2. Topical studies in oceanography, 43(4-6), 1996, pp. 1205
As part of the U.S. JGOFS EqPac program, transmissometer profiles were
made from 12 degrees N to 12 degrees S at 140 degrees W during Februa
ry-March (cruise TT007) and August-September (cruise TT011) 1992. Meri
dional sections of c(p) (beam attenuation due to particles) were prepa
red by selecting profiles made at a specific time during the day (simi
lar to 18:00 h) to reduce the influence of diel variability and to fac
ilitate point-to-point comparisons with other variables (e.g. T, nitra
te, bioabundance, etc.). A tight correlation between beam c(p) and tot
al scattering cross-section of micro-organisms was observed, suggestin
g that heterotrophic bacteria, prochlorophytes, cyanobacteria and smal
l autotrophic eukaryotes (all < 3 mu m) were dominant contributors to
beam c(p). Size-filtration experiments also confirmed that small parti
cles (< 8 mu m) accounted for 41-89% of the c(p) signal in the equator
ial Pacific. Contributions of the bacterial fraction and detrital mate
rial were assessed. Three biohydrographic regimes [northern (7 degrees
-12 degrees N), equatorial (5 degrees N-5 degrees S) and southern (7 d
egrees-12 degrees S)] could be distinguished from characteristic profi
les of c(p) and other variables. While the northern and southern regim
es remained relatively constant in c(p) between El Nino (TT007) and co
ld surface water (TT001) conditions, the equatorial regime showed > 30
% increase in surface beam c(p) and IBAC (integrated beam attenuation
coefficient) during TT011 compared to TT007. This suggests that only t
he equatorial regime responds sensitively to the hydrodynamic factors
(e.g. upwelling, currents, El Nino. tropical instability waves, etc.)
regulating particle distributions. The c(p):chlorophyll a ratio, a pro
xy for the C:chlorophyll a ratio, also was calculated to obtain insigh
t into biogeochemical cycles in the upper waters of the equatorial Pac
ific. Copyright (C) 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd.