Infections were reviewed among 118 patients (M = 64, F = 54) undergoin
g peritoneal dialysis (PD) from 01-86 to 12-91. One hundred and fifty-
five catheters were installed during the study period. Twenty-seven (2
3%) had more than one catheter, Forty-seven patients (39.8%) were diab
etics. Mean follow-up was 460 days per catheter and 540 days per patie
nt. Factors were collected and analyzed by multiple logistic regressio
n. Survival curves were drawn according to the Kaplan-Meyer method. On
e year survival was 73.8%. Respective incidence of the different infec
tions are presented, Fourteen percent of peritonitis, 48% of tunnel in
fections and 2.1% of exit site infections led to catheter removal. You
nger patients had more catheter infections (p<0.05). The different typ
es of infections were significantly influenced by the system of dialys
is employed (p<0.005). Perioperative antibiotic coverage diminished th
e incidence of peritonitis during the first three months (p<0.05). Wit
h our data and our literature review, we have attempted to make some r
ecommandations in order to reduce the occurence of infections under PD