Dating of feldspars by TL and OSL is done currently by monitoring thei
r various emissions in the spectral range from UV to yellow ('blue').
These emissions are often affected by an anomalous fading, related to
a tunnel afteglow showing at lower temperatures in a well defined narr
ow infrared band of emission ('IR'). The same IR emission is also obse
rved in the TL process itself beside the known 'blue' emissions. It is
usually the major constituent of the total emission. During storage,
this IR emission fades less than the 'blue' emissions. This IR emissio
n may also be observed in natural TL(NTL) of various geological sample
s, where the 'blue' emissions have been erased by fading during storag
e. The intensity of this IR NTL is compatible with the natural dose re
ceived. It displays a progressive saturation effect at higher doses co
mparable to known effects with the 'blue' emissions.