The endemic Australian bee fly genus Docidomyia White (Bombyliidae:Tom
omyzinae) is revised. The relationships of the genus to others in the
Tomomyzinae is discussed. A total of 15 species are treated: the five
described species (D. puellaris White, D. norrisi Paramonov, D. frogga
tti Paramonov, D. victoriana Paramonov and D. swani Paramonov) are dia
gnosed and ten new species (D. nicholsoni, sp. nov., D. genualia, sp.
nov., D. parva, sp. nov., D. albifrons, sp. nov., D. nigra, sp. nov.,
D. danielsi, sp. nov., D. brevipilata, sp. nov., D. hespera, sp. nov.,
D. angusta, sp. nov., and D. isla, sp. nov.) are described. The distr
ibutions of all species are mapped, and the male and female genitalia
of selected species are illustrated.