According to strict morphological, biochemical and cytogenetic criteri
a Philadelphia chromosome positive essential thrombocythemia and chron
ic granulocytic leukemia constitute a separate malignant and individua
l disease entity, whereas Philadelphia chromosome negative essential t
hrombocythemia, polycythemia vera and agnogenic or megakaryocytic myel
oid metaplasia form a chronic proliferation of three hematopoietic cel
l lines. Histopathology from bone marrow biopsies permits the characte
rization and diagnostic differention of the various myeloproliferative
disorders and appears to be a main and specific diagostic criterion f
or polycythemia vera and essential thrombocythemia. Hemorrhagic thromb
ocythemia is a clinical syndrome of recurrent spontaneous mucocutaneou
s and secondary hemorrhages often preceded by thromboses, extremely hi
gh platelet counts, pseudohyperkalemia, increased bone marrow cellular
ity and frequently splenomegaly. The diagnostic criteria of essential
thrombocythemia with paradoxical occurrence of thrombotic events and h
emorrhagic manifestations are a platelet count in excess of 1000 x 10(
9)/L and increased bone marrow cellularity in the majority of the case
s. Erythromelalgia and other microcirculatory ischemic or thrombotic e
vents or accidents in essential thrombocythemia and polycythemia vera
already occur at platelet counts in excess of the upper limit of norma
l. First line treatment options in essential thrombocythemia and polyc
ythemia vera are control of platelet function with low-dose aspirin an
d reductive control of platelet count and erythrocytes by bloodletting
, interferon and busulfan or hydroxyurea monochemotherapy.