Properties and a phase diagram of silica were examined in a broad pres
sure-temperature range using lattice and molecular dynamics methods an
d a previously developed interatomic potential (Belonozhko and Dubrovi
nsky, 1995). Good agreement was reached between the theoretical and ex
perimental data on volumetric, caloric, and spectral properties. Phase
stability relations such as quartz-coesite, coesite-stishovite, and s
tishovite-melt can be reasonably well reproduced. At pressures above 8
3 GPa stishovite transforms into a CaCl2-like phase, and at pressures
higher than 93 GPa and 110 GPa, according to lattice and molecular dyn
amics calculations, respectively, a new phase with a Pnc2 structure, t
ermed SBAD, becomes stable. Our analysis of simulated X-ray diffractio
n patterns of various hypothetical poststishovite phases shows that th
is new phase should always be considered in the treatment of high-pres
sure experiments involving silica. The appearance of this new phase is
consistent with seismic observations. Previous high-pressure experime
ntal observations of poststishovite phases can be explained either by
the appearance of the SBAD phase (Tsuchida and Yagi, 1989) or by a sma
ll deviation from hydrostatic conditions (Kingma et al., 1995).