Over the past two decades, American businesses have invested heavily i
n information technology (IT) hardware. Managers often buy IT to enhan
ce customer value in ways that are poorly measured by conventional out
put statistics. Furthermore, because of competition, firms may be unab
le to capture the full benefits of the value they create. This undermi
nes researchers' attempts to determine IT value by estimating its cont
ribution to industry productivity or to company profits and revenues.
An alternative approach estimates the consumers' surplus from IT inves
tments by integrating the area under the demand curve for IT. This met
hodology does not directly address the question of whether managers an
d consumers are purchasing the optimal quantity of II, but rather assu
mes their revealed willingness-to-pay for IT accurately reflects their
valuations. Using data from the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, we
estimate four measures of consumers' surplus, including Marshallian su
rplus, Exact surplus based on compensated (Hicksian) demand curves, a
''nonparametric'' estimate, and a value based on the theory of index n
umbers. Interestingly, all four estimates indicate that in our base ye
ar of 1987, IT spending generated approximately $50 billion to $70 bil
lion in net value in the United States and increased economic growth b
y about 0.3% per year. According to our estimates, which are likely to
be conservative, IT investments generate approximately three times th
eir cost in value for consumers.