To investigate the in vivo role of hepatocyte growth factor/scatter fa
ctor (HGF/SF) in liver function, we generated transgenic mice using a
mouse HGF/SF cDNA under the control of the mouse metallothionein gene
promoter and 5'/3' flanking sequences. In adult HGF/SF transgenic mice
, liver weight as a percentage of total body weight was at least twice
that of wildtype mice. Comparison of transgenic and control liver mor
phology revealed dramatic heterogeneity in the size and appearance of
hepatocytes as a distinctive feature of HGF/SF overexpression. Transge
nic livers exhibited a significant increase in the number of small hep
atocytes with a 2N DNA content, accounting for the observed increase i
n liver mass. The DNA labeling index of hepatocytes increased 11-fold
at 4 weeks of age, when liver enlargement first became apparent, and w
as still elevated about 5-fold in adult HGF/SF transgenic mice. Moreov
er, hepatocytes isolated by perfusion of transgenic livers doubled eve
ry 2 days in culture, whereas little or no growth was observed with is
olated control hepatocytes. The mechanistic basis of hepatocyte prolif
eration was elucidated as the chronic activation of the c-met proto-on
cogene product. Met and substrates such as phosphatidylinositol 3-kina
se. Src homology and collagen-like, pp60(c-src), focal adhesion kinase
p125(FAK), and paxillin were associated with tyrosine-phosphorylated
complexes in a hepatocyte cell line established from the transgenic li
ver. This proliferative stimulus triggered the formation of hepatocell
ular adenomas and/or carcinomas in most transgenic mice greater than o
r equal to 1.5 years of age. Finally, the rate of transgenic mouse liv
er regeneration was increased 3-fold over control livers following par
tial hepatectomy.