A system for grabbing integrated video frames produced by a remote cam
era is described. As part of the pointed platform in a balloon-borne e
xperiment, we use a video charge-coupled-device camera to obtain wide
field star images. To obtain images with a sufficient signal-to-noise
ratio, integration times of up to 1 s are required. In applications wh
ere the frame grabber and camera are physically close to each other, t
iming the frame grabber trigger is straightforward; however, there are
several advantages to locating the frame grabber not on the balloon p
ayload. As a result commands issued simultaneously to the frame grabbe
r on the ground and the camera on the balloon can be delayed relative
to each other, resulting in failure to acquire an image. We have devel
oped a system where, at the end of an integration, a tone is injected
into the video field preceding the transmission of the integrated fram
e; the tone is used on the ground by a decoder circuit to control the
frame grabber acquisition of the integrated frame. The system has oper
ated successfully in the flight of a stratospheric balloon-borne teles
cope. (C) 1996 Americans Institute of Physics.