Genotypic data for 56 microsatellites (ms) generated from maternal ful
l sib families nested within paternal half sib pedigrees were used to
construct a linkage map of the bovine X Chromosome (Chr) (BTX) that sp
ans 150 cM (ave. interval 2.7 chi). The linkage map contains 36 previo
usly unlinked ms; seven generated from a BTXp library. Genotypic data
from these 36 ms was merged into an existing linkage map to more than
double the number of informative BTX markers. A male specific linkage
map of the pseudoautosomal region was also constructed from five ms at
the distal end of BTXq. Four informative probes physically assigned b
y fluorescence in situ hybridization defined the extent of coverage, c
onfirmed the position of the pseudoautosomal region on the q-arm, and
identified a 4.1-cM marker interval containing the centromere of BTX.