Perianal disease occurs in up to 90% of patients with Crohn's disease
[1-4]. Many of these patients have only mild symptoms or are asymptoma
tic and thus require no intervention. Clinical features are variable a
nd include hypertrophic skin tags, ulceration, perianal abscess and fi
stulae, anal canal ulcers, fissures, induration and stenosis. Perianal
abscess and fistula often occur simultaneously and are usually sympto
matic. Symptoms range from pain, discharge, bleeding, to gross faecal
incontinence with restriction of lifestyle and sexual activity. There
is little uniformity amongst clinicians in the investigation and manag
ement of perianal Crohn's disease [5]. This is due, in part, to the va
riability in both frequency and severity of attacks and to spontaneous
remissions and exacerbations of perianal disease. Secondly, assessmen
t of severity of illness and the response to treatment is difficult to
objectively quantitative. Improvement in quality of life is the aim o
f therapy not cure of perianal disease. Investigative modalites for pe
rianal Crohn's are changing due to the limitations of conventional fis
tulography, CT scanning and clinical evaluation. MRI scanning has been
introduced more recently, however, requires an endorectal coil to obt
ain good anatomical visualisation and has limited availability [6-12].
Endorectal ultrasonography has been shown to detect more abscesses an
d fistula in Crohn's patients than clinical examination, proctosigmoid
oscopy and CT scanning, better delineation of fistulous tracts than fi
stulography and has the ability to change the clinical management of r
eferring physicians [13-16]. Most fistulae are not explored surgically
and therefore the documentation of fistulae in symptomatic Crohn's di
sease has been limited and are usually classified only as high or low
[4]. Park's has pointed out this terminology for cryptoglandular disea
se is i'... an ambiguous one'' and hence developed a more precise nome
nclature [17]. The objective of this study was to document prospective
ly by transanorectal ultrasonography fistulae and abscesses in symptom
atic perianal Crohn's disease and to classify them according to Park's
nomenclature and determine the incidence of these at the time of refe
rral for a new exacerbation of the disease. Anal wall thickness was me
asured prospectively by ultrasonography as it has been shown to be inc
reased in patients with perianal Crohn's disease and may reflect disea
se activity [13, 18].