The undesired deposition of microorganisms and the formation of biofil
ms is called ''biofouling''. The consequences of biofouling for water
purification, transport and storage are considerable both economically
and ecologically. Countermeasures against biofouling include three st
eps: i) detection, ii) sanitization and iii) prevention of biofouling.
The detection has to refer to surfaces. Cell counts in water water sa
mples do not reflect the location or the extent of biofilms. Biocides
display only limited value in terms of removal of biofouling layers. F
irst, biofilm organisms are protected against biocides and tolerate 10
to 1000-fold higher concentrations. Second, water systems usually can
not be kept sterile. Thus, dead biofilms provide nutrients and suitabl
e surfaces for further growth of cells imported with the raw water. Cl
eaning of a system is an integral part of sanitization and even more i
mportant than disinfection. It has to be based on a designed strategy.
Efficiency control is mandatory and has to occur on representative su
rfaces. The prevention of biofouling is frequently achieved by continu
ously dosage of biocides. However, this is only possible with suitable
raw waters and many failures are reported. Chlorine is still the bioc
ide most frequently used. Concerns about effectivity and environmental
protection give rise to other strategies. ''Good housekeeping'' is re
commended as a general countermeasure. It includes frequent cleaning,
efficiency control, biofilm monitoring, limitation of nutrients, maint
enance of high shear forces, and a cleaning-friendly design. ''Biofoul
ing'' is operationally defined and refers to biofilm development which
exceeds a given ''threshold of interference''. Keeping biofilm develo
pment below that threshold offers a new strategy, which considers biof
ouling as a biofilm reactor in the wrong place. Nutrient limitation is
an option to curt, biofilm development in sensitive areas. If large c
olonization areas are offered elsewhere than in the system to be prote
cted, biofilms will develop there, sequestering dissolved nutrients an
d turning them into immobilized biomass in a place where it can be han
dled more easily than, e.g., inside a heat exchanger or a membrane mod
ule. Combined with effective monitoring techniques, a biocide-free ant
ifouling-strategy can be realized. Copyright (C) 1996 IAWQ.