s. Participants at the workshop on the Epidemiology of Hypertension in
Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, and Asian/Pacific islander Amer
icans voiced a need to intensify a systemic approach for community-bas
ed strategies to guide prevention, treatment, and control. To answer t
his need, a panel addressed recommended community-based strategies fro
m inclusion of community members in the research process to implementa
tion and application of findings for community action. Recommended str
ategies include encouraging close cooperation and data sharing between
investigators and community groups; including differences in culture,
heritage, and local influences in hypertension research; training and
working with minority researchers and health care professionals; and
intensifying comprehensive and culturally appropriate education progra
ms that focus on prevention, treatment, and control of hypertension. T
his article contains a summary of key areas of emphasis, as well as im
plementation strategies to decrease hypertension and other cardiovascu
lar diseases in specific ethnic groups.