Allele- and genotype frequencies for the polymerase chain reaction-bas
ed DNA genetic marker HLA-DQA1 were determined previously in a Swiss s
ample population (n=200). In this study we subtyped the allele 4 in th
e same Swiss Caucasian population sample (distinguishing the 4.1 allel
e from the 4.2 and 4.3 alleles) using the AmpliType(R) PM+ DQA1 PCR Am
plification and Typing Kit. No deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibr
ium could be observed. The power of discrimination (Pd) of the HLA-DQA
1 locus without subtyping the 4 allele for Swiss Caucasians was 0.931,
when subtyping the 4 allele the value is 0.938. The frequency data ca
n be used in forensic analyses to estimate the frequency of a HLA-DQA1
profile in the Swiss population.