By using a small Rossby number expansion in Hamilton's principle for s
hallow water dynamics in a rapidly rotating reference frame, we derive
new approximate extended-geostrophic equations with pressure, or surf
ace height, as the dynamical variable. By introducing modeling paramet
ers into the relation between the ageostrophic velocity and surface he
ight, we obtain a family of models for which the functional form of th
e potential vorticity, conserved on fluid particles, and of the kineti
c energy contribution to the globally conserved energy can be prescrib
ed. The particular approximate equations which result when the ageostr
ophic velocity is chosen to be in full agreement with an asymptotic sm
all Rossby number expansion of the rotating shallow water equations gi
ve a new model with apparently higher-order dynamical consistency than
either quasigeostrophy or geostrophic momentum. The geostrophic momen
tum model is recovered as a special case among these new models.