In eight anesthetized, spontaneously breathing New Zealand rabbits air
flow, tidal volume, tracheal and esophageal pressures were measured. F
requency, inspiratory and expiratory durations, respiratory system and
lung resistances, and elastances, total postinspiratory muscle pressu
re and its timing parameters were determined. The measurements were pe
rformed: (a) under control condition; (b) continuously, during the fir
st 90 sec of the inhalation of a mixture of 5% CO2 + 95% O-2, (carboge
n, CI); and (c) 6 min after the start of CI. During CI both lung resis
tance and elastance decreased: and inspiratory driving pressure and po
stinspiratory muscle pressure increased. No modification could be dete
cted in either the pattern or the duration of postinspiratory muscle a
ctivity. In conclusion, mechanical changes precede and facilitate the
ventilatory adjustment to CO2 in rabbits.