To determine whether bradykinesia in patients with Huntington's diseas
e (HD) reflects impaired force production or an increased requirement
for terminal visual guidance, II HD patients and matched controls perf
ormed drawing movements with varying precision requirements. Participa
nts used an electronic pen upon a WACOM SD420 graphics tablet to join
targets of either IO or 20 mm diameter which were separated by a dista
nce of 62.5 or 125 mm. While HD patients had slower movements, exhibit
ing more cycles of acceleration and deceleration, patients were not di
sproportionately affected by variations in target size or separation.
Bradykinesia did not seem to be a product of impaired force production
or increased reliance upon terminal visual guidance, since neither ac
celerative or decelerative phases were specifically affected by HD. Ho
wever, movements of HD patients were of less consistent duration, impl
ying variability associated with internal cues regulating movement. Co
pyright (C) 1966 Elsevier Science Ltd