The plasma protein transcobalamin II (TCII) binds and delivers cobalam
in (Cbl; vitamin B12) to all cells, which internalize the TCII/Cbl com
plex by receptor-mediated endocytosis. congenital deficiency of TCII r
esults in intracellular Cbr deficiency, one effect of which is to disr
upt DNA synthesis, leading to megaloblastic anemia. We report here an
in vitro culture system in which cell growth is dependent on delivery
of Cbl to cells by TCII. Recombinant human holo-TCII was shown to supp
ort in dose-dependent manner the growth of the human erythroleukemic c
ell line K562 and the murine lymphoma cell line BW5147. Free Cbl also
supported cell growth; however, at 100- to 1.000-fold higher concentra
tions than those effective in the presence of apo-TCII. To determine i
f cellular depletion of Cbl could be achieved by interfering with inte
ractions between TCII/Cbl and its cell-surface receptor, several monoc
lonal antibodies raised against human TCII were studied. Three antibod
ies, found to compete for the same binding site on Tell, proved to be
effective inhibitors of TCII/Cbl-dependent cell growth. Our results su
ggest that monoclonal anti-TCII antibodies that block the function of
this protein may prove useful in antitumor therapies. (C) 1997 by The
American Society of Hematology.