About 32% of the 99 million ha wheat grown in developing countries exp
eriences varying levels of drought stress. Three major drought types h
ave been identified: Late drought (LD) is common in the Mediterranean
region, early drought (ED) is found in Latin America and wheat is prod
uced on residual soil moisture (RM) in the Indian subcontinent and par
t of Australia. Until 1983, CIMMYT selected all germplasm under near o
ptimum conditions for its yield potential and tested only advanced lin
es under drought. In spite of many critics, this approach proved to be
successful, since in the mid 80's CIMMYT germplasm was grown on 45% o
f the wheat area in LC with annual rainfall from 300-500 mm and on 21%
in areas with less than 300 mm. Since 1983, CIMMYT's drought breeding
methodology is to alternate segregating populations between drought s
tressed and fully irrigated conditions (FI) and to test advanced lines
under a line source irrigation system. To compare the efficiency of t
hese approach, yield of four, mostly leading varieties, from each of t
he regions with LD, ED, RM, and FI and twelve recent CIMMYT cultivars
selected for high yield under Fl and RM conditions (ALT) were compared
under four different moisture regimes (FI, LD, ED, and RM) in 89-90 a
nd 90-91 in Yaqui Valley, Mexico. Genotypic correlation between yield
and days to flowering, days to maturity, height, grains m(-2), TKW, te
st weight and grain fill period were calculated. Mean grain yield of t
he four best lines in the ALT group was highest under all moisture str
ess regimes, followed by the FI-group. However, the highest yielding c
ultivar within each moisture regime was from the FI-group under FI, fr
om the LD-group under LD, and from the ALT-group under ED and RM condi
tions. Estimates for genetic advance suggest that FI is the best envir
onment for increasing grain yield even in all three drought environmen
ts. This indicates that yield potential per se is beneficial also in d
rought environments. The highest yield in drought environments was rea
lized by the CIM cultivars selected under FI and RM. Simultaneous eval
uation of the germplasm under near optimum conditions, to utilize high
heritabilities and identify lines with high yield potential, and unde
r stress conditions to preserve alleles for drought tolerance seem at
present the best strategy.