The aim of this study was to assess whether during regular OC use ovar
ian activity might lead to ovulation, as assessed by ultrasound (US) e
valuation of follicular growth and blood levels of 17-beta-estradiol a
nd progesterone. A total of 51 healthy women with normal menstrual cyc
les (28 +/- 3 days) and no gynecological symptoms were recruited. A to
tal of 22 patients were given a triphasic OC pill containing 35 mg eth
inyl estradiol (EE) and 50 mg desogestrel (DSG) in the first seven tab
lets; 30 mg EE and 100 mg DSG in tablets 8 to 14, and 30 mg EE and 150
mg DSG in tablets 15 to 22; 29 patients received one of two OC pills,
both containing 20 mg EE plus 150 mg DSG (15 patients) or 75 mg oi ge
stodene (14 patients). A total of 86 cycles were monitored: 51 during
the 3rd-4th cycle and 35 during the 6th-8th cycle of oc treatment. Fol
licular-like structures were observed in nine patients. The frequency
of follicular-like structures was similar during the 3rd-4th cycle (9%
) and during the 6th-8th cycle (11%). There was no relationship betwee
n follicular growth and blood levels of E2 and progesterone, which alw
ays appeared suppressed. In conclusion, the results of this study sugg
est that during OC use (even with low dose of ethinyl estradiol), a li
ttle ovarian activity may be present without ovulation. (C) 1996 Elsev
ier Science Inc.