The Predictive-Toxicology Evaluation (PTE) project conducts collaborat
ive experiments that subject the performance of predictive-toxicology
(PT) methods to rigorous, objective evaluation in a uniquely informati
ve manner. Sponsored by the National Institute of Environmental Health
Sciences, it takes advantage of the ongoing testing conducted by the
U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP) to estimate the true error of m
odels that have been applied to make prospective predictions on previo
usly untested, noncongeneric-chemical substances. The PTE project firs
t identifies a group of standardized NTP chemical bioassays either sch
eduled to be conducted or are ongoing, but not yet complete. The proje
ct then announces and advertises the evaluation experiment, disseminat
es information about the chemical bioassays, and encourages researcher
s from a wide variety of disciplines to publish their predictions in p
eer-reviewed journals, using whatever approaches and methods they feel
are best. A collection of such papers is published in this Environmen
tal Health Perspectives Supplement, providing readers the opportunity
to compare and contrast PT approaches and models, within the context o
f their prospective application to an actual-use situation. This intro
duction to this collection of papers on predictive toxicology summariz
es the predictions made and the final results obtained for the 44 chem
ical carcinogenesis bioassays of the first PTE experiment (PTE-1) and
presents information that identifies the 30 chemical carcinogenesis bi
oassays of PTE-2, along with a table of prediction sets that have been
published to date. It also provides background about the origin and g
oals of the PTE project. outlines the special challenge associated wit
h estimating the true error of models that aspire to predict open-syst
em behavior, and summarizes what has been learned to date.