We have developed a direct toxicity assay for soils, sediments and slu
dges that is specific for heavy-metal toxicity. In the assay, a beta-g
alactosidase-producing strain of Escherichia coli is mixed with the so
lids sample together with a small volume (1.0 ml/0.5 to 1.0 g of solid
s) of eluent. Extraction of metals from the solids sample is not requi
red. Controls run with the assay eliminate interference due to indigen
ous beta-galactosidase activity or interaction between the solid matri
x and the chromaphore. Use of 0.1 M sodium nitrate as eluent was found
to yield somewhat higher sensitivity to heavy metals in solid-phase s
amples than MilliQ water. Application of the assay to a diverse array
of soils, sludges, and sediments indicated that samples from industria
l sites were generally more toxic than those from residential or comme
rcial sites. Heavy-metal toxicity was correlated with the copper and z
inc content of solids samples, but toxicity varied considerably at the
lower range of metal contents. The proposed solid-phase assay should
prove useful as a screening test for heavy-metal toxicity in soils, se
diments, and sludges. It can also help distinguish between heavy metal
s and organic chemicals as the cause of toxicity in solid-phase sample