The cyanopolyyne HC13N has been detected in the laboratory, and the fr
equency of 21 rotational transitions in the band 5-12 GHz has been mea
sured to a few parts in 10(7); correspondingly precise values for the
rotational constant and centrifugal distortion constant have been obta
ined from a least-squares fit to the data: B-0 = 106.97258(4) MHz, D-0
= 0.092(10) Hz (uncertainties in parentheses are la in the last signi
ficant digit). The best lines for astronomical detection of this carbo
n chain, longer than any yet detected in space, probably lie in the ba
nd 5-30 GHz and can be calculated from B-0 and D-0 to better than 0.1
km s(-1) in equivalent radial velocity.