Co-culture with numerous cell lines has been shown to improve in-vitro
embryo development. It is usually performed in open culture without a
n oil overlay, or in relatively large volumes of medium (e.g. 0.5 mi)
under oil. We compared the efficacy of open and microdrop coculture sy
stems using human endometrial and tubal cell lines and mouse zygotes,
Although the mean pH values of the media from the tubal cell cultures
(both open and oil-covered) decreased significantly over 5 days of cul
ture, this did not appear to impair embryo development. Both coculture
and microdrop culture significantly improved blastocyst and hatching
blastocyst formation rates, The combination of the two techniques (mic
rodrop and co-culture) demonstrated the highest blastocyst formation a
nd hatching blastocyst formation rates, as well as the highest mean ce
ll numbers in hatching blastocysts. Go-culture in a microdrop is a sup
erior system for mouse embryo culture.