On the model of fasting metabolism in sheep we examined the effects of
Prednisolon(R); Methionin(R), Heparemin(R), Glucose 200(R) and Alwesi
n(R): Prednisolon had the most lasting antilipolytic and liver protect
ing (bilirubin decreasing) action. Comparatively weaker antilipolytic,
antiketogenic and liver protective effects were shown by Methionin(R)
and Heparemin(R). Glucose 200(R) also indicated a similar antiketogen
ic but less antilipolytic influence. The lysin - contained in Heparemi
n(R) obviously displayed no additional effects on the fasting metaboli
sm. During the fasting slate neither Alwesin(R), an amino acid mixture
, nor Heparemin(R) in CCl4 intoxicated sheep induced positive pharmaco
logical outcomes. Independent of the present investigations, it applie
s that the regulation of energy, protein and electrolyte metabolism is
of up most importance in cases of liver damage.