Purpose: TO determine the use of eye care services by type of provider
(ophthalmologist, optometrist, and non-ophthalmologist physician) in
the Medicare population. Methods: As a basis for characterizing eye co
nditions and ophthalmic services among a population 65 years of age an
d older, 1991 claims from a representative 5% sample of Medicare benef
iciaries were analyzed using a previously described classification sch
eme. Analysis was specifically conducted by type of provider as well a
s by the service provided. Results: Almost one half of the approximate
ly 30 million Medicare beneficiaries 65 years of age or older received
eye care services in 1991, resulting in more than 35,000,000 visits (
caims). Ophthalmologists provided services to 71% of this eye care pop
ulation, and optometrists to 22%; 36% of this population received opht
halmic-related services from other providers, and 14% from only other
providers (commonly for eye lid dermatitis and tumors). Cataract was t
he most common condition, accounting for 41% of visits to ophthalmolog
ists (and 1.2 million cases of surgery), glaucoma accounted for 19% of
visits, and retinal diseases for 14%. The visit percentages for optom
etrists are 58%, 8%, and 11%, respectively. Ophthalmic examination and
evaluation accounted for 63% of the 28,000,000 paid ophthalmologists'
procedures, and 58% of the 5,500,000 optometrists' procedures. Conclu
sion: Optometrists and physicians other than ophthalmologists were the
sole providers of ophthalmic-related services to a large percentage o
f beneficiaries who received eye care in 1991. Within the universe of
service provided by ophthalmologists, the majority of all care consist
ed of evaluation and management services as opposed to surgical proced
ure-based care.