An ion-sensitive field effect transistor (ISFET, Sentron(R), Sentron,
Inc.) electrode was compared with a glass combination micro-electrode
(MI-410, Microelectrodes, Inc.) and a solid-state metal wire oxide pH
sensor (Beetrode(R), World Precision Instruments, Inc.) with a liquid
junction reference electrode (MERE1, World Precision Instruments, Inc.
). The electrodes were assessed for linearity, reproducibility, accura
cy, drift from the initial calibration between pH 4 and pH 7 and the t
ime taken to record a stable reading. The ISFET was used to determine
the pH in dental plaque samples (1 mg suspended in 20 mu l). The pH va
lues correlated with the hydrogen ion concentration for all the electr
odes (r = 0.98). The MI-410 fractured before this evaluation was compl
eted. Coefficients of variation were 0.65% (pH 4) and 0.08% (pH 7) for
the ISFET and 4.69% (pH 4) and 3.46% (pH 7) for the Beetrode. Both el
ectrodes gave readings that differed significantly from the initial ca
libration, but the drift was greater for the Beetrode (F = 7.93; p = 0
.0005) than the ISFET (F = 1.89; p = 0.1519). However, this drift was
smaller than the change in pH as measured in dental plaque samples. Th
e Beetrode gave a stable reading after 3.39+/-0.83 s and the ISFET aft
er 2.2+/-0.76 s, while the MI-410 required at least 20 s. The ISFET ty
pe electrode is suitable for use in small volumes such as plaque suspe
nsions, is easier to operate and yields results closer to the initial
calibration than the Beetrode and is more robust than the MI-410 and t
he Beetrode.