Changes in cytosolic free calcium concentration ([Ca2+](i)) in respons
e to stimulatory glucose concentrations were investigated in human pan
creatic islets, using Fura-2 fluorescence imaging. Increasing glucose
concentration from 3 to 11 mM caused a triphasic [Ca2+](i) response in
human islets: an initial decrease (phase 1), a rapid and transient in
crease (phase 2) and periodic oscillations with a frequency of 1 +/- 0
.3 min(-1) (phase 3). Raising the glucose concentration from 11 to 16.
7 mM lowered the frequency of the glucose-induced [Ca2+](i) oscillatio
ns to 0.15 +/- 0.2 min(-1), without changes in their amplitude. Human
islet [Ca2+], response to stimulatory glucose concentrations is synchr
onous throughout the islet. Freshly isolated human islets responded to
tolbutamide (50 mu M) with a rise in [Ca2+](i). An increase in glucos
e concentration, from 3 to 16 mM, in the presence of 100 mu M diazoxid
e, produced a decrease in [Ca-2+](i). It is concluded that human islet
s respond to glucose with regular [Ca2+](i) oscillations that are sync
hronous throughout the islet and whose duration is modulated by glucos